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PrimAntePrima wine showcase

2024 PrimAntePrima Tuscany

  • Post category:Wine

PrimAntePrima Tuscany


The PrimAnteprima event, held in Tuscany each year in conjunction with Anteprime Toscana, serves as an essential prelude to the annual unveiling of the region’s latest wine offerings. This initiative provides wine buyers with an exclusive opportunity to preview the newest vintages, emphasizing Tuscany’s significant contributions to the global wine market.   

Tuscany is ranked seventh in Italy in terms of wine production, a testament to its prolific output and the quality of its offerings. A distinctive feature of the Tuscan wine landscape is its 58 recognized geographical indications.

PrimAntePrima Challenges

Fabio Del Bravo Director of Rural Development Services Directorate ISMEA (Istituto di Servizi per il Mercato Agricolo Alimentare), and Bernardo Gozzini, administrator at LaMMA consortium, highlighted the challenges and adaptations required in the face of new scenarios and climate change. The men emphasized Tuscany’s leadership in organic wine production. With more than 17% of Italy’s organic vineyard area located in Tuscany, they articulated how the region showcases its commitment to sustainable practices.  

 The recent vintage faced production decreases, attributed to climate-induced challenges and plant diseases, underscoring the need for innovative approaches in viticulture and winemaking.  

US Market News

Carlo Flamini, director of the Wine Observatory of UIV- Italian Wine Union spoke about the market for Tuscan red wines. He explained the American market is undergoing significant demographic changes, with shifts in the age and ethnicity of the wine-buying demographic.

To encourage interest in Tuscan wine among new consumers, Tuscan producers are actively adapting their marketing and tourism strategies to engage with these new consumers.

PrimAntePrima: Focus on PDO and PGI Products

Following the award of the Kyle Phillips Prize, a reception was held to showcase Tuscany’s bountiful PDO and PGI foods and wines.

PrimAntePrima Conclusion

The PrimAnteprima event not only showcased Tuscany’s venerable wine tradition and its resilience in the face of contemporary challenges but also highlighted the region’s proactive stance towards market changes and environmental sustainability.

For wine buyers interested in Tuscan wines, these insights offer a comprehensive understanding of the region’s market positioning, its dedication to quality and innovation, and the strategic approaches being adopted to navigate the shifting landscape of global wine consumption.