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Statella Wines in Sicily

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Statella Wines in Sicily

Statella wine poured

A Taste of Etna: Calogero Statella’s Dedication in Every Glass

Calogero Statella, an oenologist of considerable renown, welcomed us to a tasting of his wines with a warm smile. His passion for his craft was clear in his every gesture as he shared his story.

“Mount Etna,” he began, his voice carrying the weight of generations, “is a land where my wife Rita and I were both born. It is a place of unparalleled beauty, where the volcanic soil and unique microclimate create the perfect conditions for viticulture.”

He poured us each a glass of his Statella Etna Bianco, its pale golden hue reflecting the sunlight.

“But,” he continued, “it is also a land of challenges. The traditional artisanal approach to winemaking is the only way to truly express the terroir of Mount Etna and its native grape varieties, Nerello Mascalese and Nerello Cappuccio.”

As we swirled the wine in our glasses, inhaling its delicate floral aromas and tasting its crisp minerality, Calogero explained how he and Rita had purchased a vineyard on Mount Etna in 2016.

Located in the Pettinociarelle district, an area once renowned for its high-quality wines, their vineyard was one of the few still productive.

“After the Second World War,” Calogero said, “many farmers abandoned these vineyards in favor of areas that ensured higher production. The Pettinociarelle district, with its poor soils and low grape yield, was gradually converted into olive groves.”

Statella wine

Yet Calogero and Rita saw the potential in this forgotten land. They believed that by returning to the traditional methods of winemaking, they could create wines that captured the unique essence of Etna.

“Our aim,” Calogero declared, “is to make wines of exceptional quality that express the robust character of this area. Our estate and our wine stem from this idea.”

With that, he poured us a glass of his Statella Etna Rosato, its vibrant pink color a testament to the Nerello Mascalese grapes from which it was made. The wine bursted with red fruit flavors, its refreshing acidity balanced by a subtle minerality.

As we savored the Rosato, Calogero recounted the challenges he and Rita had faced in their first vintage. They had vinified their grapes at the cellar of Tenuta delle Terre Nere, where Calogero had been the oenologist since 2008. The experience had been invaluable, allowing them to refine their techniques and perfect their craft.


“The 2016 vintage,” Calogero proudly stated, “was the first of our excellent Etna Rosso DOC.”

He then presented us with his Statella Etna Rosso Pignatuni, its deep ruby color and red berry aromas hinting at the complexity within. The wine was a masterpiece, its aromas of dark berries and spice intertwined with notes of earth and smoke. On the palate, it was full-bodied and structured, its tannins firm yet velvety.

As we sipped the Rosso, Calogero spoke of his commitment to sustainable viticulture. He and Rita used only organic fertilizers and employed traditional methods of pest control. They believed that by working in harmony with nature, they could create wines that were not only delicious but also environmentally responsible.

Calogero Statella’s impressed me with his dedication and passion. He struck me as a

man deeply connected to his land, a guardian of its traditions, and a visionary for its future.