Lost Passport in France
What do Americans do when they lose their passport in France?
In other words, when they need a replacement passport — fast!
No one ever imagines they can have a “lost passport in France situation …”
… but it happens.
And with this article you will be prepared.

Lost Passport in France – Contacting the United States Consular Services
Statistics are not available to determine if more people have a lost passport in France situation, or if the problem was a stolen passport.
In this article, you will discover how to quickly take the steps to rectify a lost passport in France situation.
You will also discover how to prepare for your trips to France so that you will not find yourself in this situation in ever again.
Or at least how you can have all the information at your fingertips so that you can easily get your passport back ASAP.

The “Lost Passport In France Moment”
France is beautiful.
France is safe.
Even as a woman traveling solo at times, I’ve never had any problem in France.
So this may be the reason why many men in France are a bit too trusting …
…. And the reason so many leave their wallets in their back pocket.
Often with their passport.

Hotel Safe: Best Place for a Passport
Typically, it is not necessary to have your passport with you when you are traveling in France.
For example, for identification I typically have my NY State license (or an identification card) out …
… yet no one has ever asked for my passport except a hotel or a bank.

Keeping Your Passport With You
Sometimes, people feel more secure having their passport with them when they travel.
If this is your choice, be certain to put your passport well hidden in your purse or other place.
Whether your passport is lost or deliberately stolen, below you will find the exact steps to take in order to get back to the USA quickly and safely.

The Set-Up
A friend of me visits me during the summers which I typically spend in the village of Villefrance-Sur-Mer, near Nice.
During a ride on the crowded tramway in Nice, he put his wallet, containing every one of his credit cards, into the back pocket of his khaki shorts.
As well as his passport.
Needless to say, within the short 7 minute ride on tramway both his wallet and passport were taken …
… but he didn’t find that out for a few hours, when he needed to make a purchase.
Hours Looking …
Hours were spent retracing every conceivable step, yet the passport and wallet were nowhere to be found.
As he was scheduled to fly back to the USA the following day (with a late afternoon departure from Paris) he had to do a lot of investigative work to find out exactly what to do to get his American passport back.
So here is the interview with this anonymous gentleman, who successfully was able to take his exact flight from Paris back to the States without incident.

Guest Interview: Lost Passport in France
Thank you for sharing your experience about your lost American passport in France.
So please tell us about your experience!
Lost American Passport in France
First, the best action is to not lose your wallet – or have it stolen – in the first place.
Then – aside from that – the best thing you can do is to make sure you have photocopies of all the credit cards and the passport.
You must bring these photocopies with you when you travel, whether it is France or anywhere else.
You must have this key information to give the French police.
So whether or not you have the photocopies with you, the first step is to contact the French police and fill out a report.
The police report is a formality for the next step, which involves filling out forms with the American Embassy.

Contacting the American Embassy
The next step is to use your Internet skills to find the American Embassy in Paris and check out the “Lost Passport in France” section.
It is unlikely you will be able to get anyone “live” on the phone at the American Embassy, but there is detailed information on the website about the hours and procedure.
The information is in English, but it is very important to read every word or you could make mistakes that can set you back.
American Embassy Hours of Operation
The hours of operation are also on the website, but the office is closed on French holidays … and there are many French holidays.
Also, as is the case in many European countries, they are open in the morning and close for a late lunch.
At present, 8:00 am to 2:45 are the working hours of the American Embassy in France, yet it is necessary to check.
Also see if it is possible to make an emergency appointment online, or if there is some sort of phone number to call.
Remember to use the word “emergency” so you can be seen immediately, otherwise the wait can be several weeks.
Making the American Embassy Appointment
Once you make the appointment you have to figure out how you would get to Paris if you are elsewhere in France.
For example, I happened to be in Villefranche-Sur-Mer, which is about 20 minutes from Nice.

Taking a Plane to Paris without a Passport
No airlines would accept a picture of your passport.
They need a physical form of identification.
Fortunately the French airlines will accept any government I.D.
So if you brought a Driver’s License, for example, and were clever enough to leave it in your luggage you may still be able to fly.
Otherwise you would have to take the train.
Traveling: Credit Cards
All my credit cards happened to be in the wallet that was stolen, so remember to put at least one in a secure place.
I was able to borrow a credit card from a friend.
Arrival in Paris
Whether it is by train or by plane, once you are in Paris you must store your luggage.
The reason is that the American Embassy does not allow any luggage, or any computers, inside.
Typically you will find places at the airport or the train station where you could store your luggage for a fee.
Your Cell Phone at the American Embassy
As of this writing, you can take your cell phone to the Embassy, and they will keep it for you until your departure.
Necessary Cash
You will need cash or a credit card to pay the fee for the Passport, which could be $145 USD for an adult.
Express Service Within the Embassy
At the Embassy, you will need to present a photocopy or the number of your passport as a form of ID in order to get your temporary passport.
Now, with your temporary passport, you can take your flight to the USA.
This can be a slow process so be certain to let your airline know the situation and adjust your flight if necessary.
When you are given your temporary passport, you must apply to get a new passport as soon as you are in USA soil.
You will also need to get your lost or stolen credit cards reissued.

Final Thoughts on Lost Passport in France
Before leaving the USA …
– Photocopy all relevant documents.
– Bring a credit card (or two) for an emergency situation like this
– Send friends or family your itinerary with a photocopy of your passport, (and possibly) your credit card numbers
Marisa: Thank You Guest
Guest, thank you so much for talking about this very important topic.
I would suggest that readers make note of the website of the American Embassy and keep it handy.
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